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BikeEnduRoMania 2001
Stand: 21. März 2001
BikeEnduRoMania 2001 - Neue Ziele entdecken! | EnduRoMania ( gibt es auch f�r Mountainbiker: eine Woche freies Mountainbiken auf wundervollen Trails in neuen Landschaften, abseits des Verkehrs. Es gilt, bestimmte Kontrollpunkte anzufahren, die in den sch�nsten Teilen der noch weitgehend unbekannten Region liegen. Dabei ist alles m�glich, von der gemeinsamen Gruppenfahrt bis zum Single-Abenteuer. Betreut wird das Event von dem bew�hrten EnduRoMania-Team, denn gleichzeitig findet jeweils die Enduro-Veranstaltung statt. Aufgrund der positiven Erfahrung, die MTB-Fahrer im Rahmen der EnduRoMania gemacht haben, hat der studentische Fahrradclub Poli-Timisoara beschlossen, im Sommer dieses Jahres sieben MTB-Veranstaltungen, die parallel zu den Enduroveranstaltungen durchgef�hrt werden sollen, zu organisieren. Es gelten die EnduRoMania Bestimmungen, die f�r die MTB-Erfordernisse angepasst worden sind. |
Termine & Treffpunkte |
1. 20-26.05.2001 Borlova 2. 10-16.06.2001 Brebu Nou 3. 01-07.07.2001 Brebu Nou 4. 22-28.07.2001 Brebu Nou 5. 12-18.08.2001 Wittmann's Chalet 6. 02-08.09.2001 Borlova 7. 23-29.09.2001 Borlova Die Treff- und Kontrollpunkte liegen in der Bergregion Westrum�niens. |
der O-Ton von Organisator Carol Varga |
meeting points are located in Caras-Severin County. With us, your bike
tour will be a new experiment and experience. The extraordinary mountain-biking
potential in Romania expecting to be explored and exploited by extreme
bikers, excellent bikers and even ex-bikers, too. Let�s ride together
! Extremely simple concept: an endurance meeting, being important the enduro travel throughout the country and not the trip to the meeting point. Starting from one of the three meeting points, it is possible to reach about 65 checkpoints, spread on an area of 40 000 km2. The difficulty and the distances to reach the checkpoints are different and the checkpoints can be chosen by the riders according to their ability, fitness and skills. The rules are simple: teams with minimum 3 members are free to choose their own route in a 150/250 km. area, riding their mountain-bikes 4 days long and looking for almost 65 checkpoints ( mountain peaks, top of the hills, chalets, alpine resorts, meteorological stations (max. 2200m, Tarcu Peak), ruins, historical places, cottages, pubs in some remote villages or just a big tree in a clearing. The participants are free to choose the roads and trails to be used to reach the checkpoints. The organizers are just recommending the routes for reaching the checkpoints; there are not compulsory checkpoints, no precise road-book and no time checks. Because of the wide area rarely two teams meet in the field. Still, there is an important rule: the participants must travel in teams of minimum three persons, in order to help each other in case of accidents or mechanical trouble. The upper limit of riders in one team is recommended not to exceed 10 and the team structure can be modified during the meeting. The network of asphalt roads is reduced, so that you can find areas of up to 4000 km2 without a cm2 of asphalt road. The checkpoints score is given according to their difficulty degree. There are bonus points for discovering and documenting new routes, documenting environmental damages and helping other teams. The evaluation of the results is done for each event, with separate awards and also cumulated for the all events. It is obvious that the participants taking part at more than one event have better positions in the final ranking. Entry fee for Individual Participant is DM 248.-. The participants receive enduro specific maps, recommandatios specially and carefully prepared by the organizer, credentials form wich is helpful for bordercrossing and dealing with civilian and military authorities. The participants can make reservations for hotels, rural hostals and camping. They can receive tehnical assistance, assistance for team building, tourguides avaiable up on request and there are alternative programmes for visiting touristic objectives in the region. Come and try it! |
Die Termine sind so festgelegt, da� jeweils Samstag/Sonntag heruntergefahren werden kann, Montag bis Donnerstag frei gefahren und Bonuspunkte gesammelt werden, Freitagabend findet die Bekanntmachung der Resultate und Siegerehrung statt und Samstag/Sonntag nach Hause gefahren werden kann. Wer Zeit und Lust hat, kann noch l�nger in Rum�nien verweilen, denn BikeEnduRoMania deckt nur ca. ein sechstel des Wanderlandes Rum�nien ab...... | |
Anmeldegeb�hr | Die Anmeldegeb�hr betr�gt DM 248.- |
zur EnduRoMania
Einen aktuellen und ausführlichen Bericht �ber EnduRoMania 3/99 gibt es in der Fachzeitschrift Enduro 11/99. |
Kontakt | In
Rum�nien: Carol & Sanda Varga EnduRoMania Group 1900 Timisoara, Romania Tel/FAX:0040-56-191457 Mobil: 0040-94-841015, 0040-92-392884 E-Mail: In Deutschland: Brigitte Morariu Im Mainfeld 23 60528 Frankfurt am Main Tel: 0049-69-6702652 Fax: 0049-69-676017 Mobil: 0049-173-6517603 E-Mail: oder �ber BikeRomania |